easier said than done 在 Joy: Easier Said than Done 要我喜樂,容易嗎? | Pastor Adriana【Bilingual 雙語】 的影片資訊
☆第一次收看Hope頻道/線上Hope主日嗎? 歡迎你填寫表單,讓我們更多認識你:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你需要代禱,歡迎填寫表單,讓我們和你一起禱告:...
☆第一次收看Hope頻道/線上Hope主日嗎? 歡迎你填寫表單,讓我們更多認識你:http://thehope.co/connectonline ☆如果你需要代禱,歡迎填寫表單,讓我們和你一起禱告:...
全新節目 Let’s Talk 跟你聊聊星期天! 每次聽完講道,很感動,卻不知道如何應用在生活裡嗎? 30分鐘的時間跟你聊一聊!...
Some friends of Youtube have requested we do an outfit challenge. How to style ourselves with minima...
Let’s add a little more veggies. Simple, quick and delicious! Japanese should eat 60g more of veggie...
I have been receiving a lot of questions ? asking me about how I stay positive and motivated all the...
🔥支付寶打賞:13581883245 🔥王炳忠今日頭條:搜索「王炳忠台灣」 🔥王炳忠臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/bingzhong.wang ♦♦♦ “Are you ...
Ever wondered why the Bible says to guard your heart above all things? (see Prov. 4:23) Or are the w...
Subscribe: https://goo.gl/M5qJyN More Ibb and Obb gameplay with cosplayers ENAKO and YOKYUN! It’s g...
夫妻相处不容易,包容和体谅说得容易,但每天朝夕相处,总有不耐烦或是有情绪的时候,要如何白头到老,真的是一门修炼。 It is not easy for husband and wife to get...
Don't sell information, offer TRANSFORMATION. Easier said than done. Watch the whole series here: ht...